Local Nutritionist Newly Certified to Help Patients with Difficult Health Problems

Susan G. Kordish (Provided photo)
Susan G. Kordish (Provided photo)

CURWENSVILLE – Representatives of Oxford Biomedical Technologies Inc. announced recently that Susan G. Kordish, licensed dietitian/nutritionist and co-owner of Premier Planning & Management LLC in Curwensville, has passed the examination to become a certified LEAP therapist.

The LEAP program (Lifestyle, Eating and Performance) is a strategic method of dealing with the dietary components of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), migraines, fibromyalgia, joint and muscle pain, fatigue, Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease (GERD) and other symptoms caused by delayed food sensitivities.

IBS, migraine and fibromyalgia affect 60 million Americans, with roughly two-thirds of them being women. Unfortunately, conventional treatments, including pharmaceutical therapies, are often unsuccessful.  Diet typically gets little attention, despite the fact that recent research reveals diet is the key to patients finding relief from chronic inflammatory conditions.

Food sensitivities differ from, and are much more common than food allergies. According to the National Library of Medicine, food sensitivities produce delayed reactions which can occur from as little as a few hours to several days after eating, and they commonly affect the gastrointestinal tract.

Food allergy symptoms can occur within minutes and could be serious enough to result in death.  That is not the case with food sensitivities, which tend to take on a chronic role, plaguing the patient relentlessly with ongoing uncomfortable symptoms.

LEAP Therapy is designed to identify the specific foods that may be causing delayed reactions in each patient.  The dietitian then works with the patient to create a unique diet that avoids the patient’s trigger foods while increasing the number of safe foods a person can eat.  The result is freedom from symptoms and increased quality of life.

For more information, contact Susan at 814-236-4307, or skordish@premiermgt.net.

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