Blighted Property Owner Strikes a Deal with DuBois City Council

DUBOIS – The property owner of 505 W. Long Ave., a blighted property which has been under scrutiny from the DuBois City Council and City Zoning Officer Zac Lawhead, struck a deal with council members during Monday night’s meeting.

After debating with the council and disputing the amount of work/progress to the site; the property owner was finally able to come to an agreement, which focused around all construction material being removed from the site within 30 days. This agreement came just before the issue was set to be elevated to the magistrate on Sept. 1.

The West Long Avenue property is just one of several properties displaying ongoing code violations. It prompted the draft of an ordinance, which empowers city officials to fine property owners who violate city codes.

The ordinance is currently under construction, and according to City Solicitor Toni Cherry, specific violations subject to fines will be listed in the completed ordinance. The completed ordinance will then be advertised, so that city residents are not caught unaware.

Also, during the meeting, Police Chief Ron LaRotonda took a moment to remind city residents that, because school is starting back up, the new school speed limit signs on Beaver Drive and Liberty Boulevard will be enforced.

The Municipal Building and City Garage will be closed on Sept. 1 for the observance of Labor Day.

Residents are advised that non-emergency calls will be taken by the police department at 800-689-3535, and emergency calls should be placed to 9-1-1.

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