ExploreJefferson: Punxsutawney Man Allegedly Threatens to Stab Victim’s 7-Year-Old Son, Then Victim

PUNXSUTAWNEY (EYT) – A Punxsutawney man is facing 85 counts relating to an alleged incident that began on Aug. 4 in which he threatened to stab the victim’s son, her friend and then the victim “in the heart over and over again.”

According to court documents, Patrick Albert Simon, 38, of Punxsutawney is facing charges of stalking, harassment and terroristic threats. On Aug. 6, Officer Heath Zeitler took a complaint from a female victim who arrived at the Punxsutawney Borough police station and reported being “deathly afraid” of Simon harming her, her son and other friends.

She told Zeitler that she’s gone to court previously and had Simon arrested for assaulting her. Since then, she’s attempted to get back together with him, which she said was a mistake because he’s still threatening her.

On Aug. 4, Simon allegedly called her, her friend and her family’s phones, as well as her place of work. His calls were allegedly repeated and of a threatening and name-calling nature.

He allegedly told her several times that he was “coming to kill you, your son (who is 7 years old) and your friend.” He allegedly told her, “First I will stab your son, then your friend, making you watch them die. And then I will stab you in the heart over and over again.”

Simon also allegedly called the female a snitch and before he was going to prison, he allegedly told her he was “going BIG by killing all of you.”

She also told Zeitler that he’s beaten her in the past several times. She said that she’s never been afraid of anyone like this before in her life and fears for her safety and son’s along with friends and family. She reported that Simon is very dangerous and has excellent military training.

The female provided police a list of times that Simon called her. She said that she told him several times to stop calling, but he still continued. The list was from Aug. 4-5.

Simon allegedly called or attempted to call her four times on Aug. 4, starting at 4:46 p.m. until 7:54 p.m. On Aug. 5, he allegedly called or attempted to call her 37 times between 10:24 a.m. and 10:16 p.m. On Aug. 6, Simon allegedly called her over and over again at work.

Zeitler interviewed the victim’s friend who Simon allegedly called repeatedly on his phone and the victim’s home phone. Simon allegedly called him names and directed threats on his life, along with threats of stabbing the victim and her son.

The friend alleged that Simon called and or text-messaged his phone 83 times in two days. The friend told him to stop or he would file for harassment. Simon, however, allegedly continued to contact him.

Zeitler called Simon on Aug. 6 at approximately 8 p.m. and advised him of the complaint filed against him. When Zeitler asked for his address, Simon allegedly told him that he didn’t have one and he lived under a bridge.

A preliminary hearing will be held in front of Magisterial District Judge Douglas Robert Chambers. A date has not yet been scheduled.

In a separate case, charges of simple assault and harassment were filed against Simon, stemming from an alleged May 27 incident. The case is currently making its way through the system.

No other information is available.


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