Guide Explores Careers in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry

There has been much discussion about shale gas and the job market. However, it’s also been hard to find current and helpful information on a long-term career, as well as on related financial and growth opportunities in the field.

ShaleNET, a coordinated network of the oil and gas industry, the public workforce system and training providers, has provided a new tool for exploring careers in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry.
“A Guide to Careers in the Oil and Natural Gas Industry” provides information and resources to help the user determine if this industry is what one is looking for.  Skills and educational levels typically required for various jobs and wage ranges are also provided.
The guide provides two types of information for the user.  An overview of the oil and gas industry provides an overview of the industry, hiring trends, work environments and common expectations relevant to any career in the industry.

The guide also profiles 48 occupations found in the industry, a snapshot of these jobs, typical duties, skills and requirements of the job, and key statistics relating to the occupation.
The guide may be found on the ShaleNET  Web site  under ‘resources’.

ShaleNET was launched in 2010 with a Community Based Job Training grant by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration to respond quickly to natural gas industry needs by creating an effective and efficient entry level training program.

In just 26 months, ShaleNET served more than 9,500 people and, with 20 recognized training providers in four states, the program has trained more than 3,000 people and more than 1,650 are employed in the industry.
In September of 2012, ShaleNET received a follow up grant of $14.96 million through the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training program.

The grant was awarded to the Pennsylvania College of Technology in Williamsport by the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration. The grant is focused on building capacity, expanding the capacity of ShaleNET geographically and incorporating a new stackable credential model.

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