Resident Questions Sandy Manager, Supers

DUBOIS – A resident questioned the Sandy Township manager about his qualifications and called out the supervisors during Monday night’s meeting.

During public comment, resident Pamela August criticized the supervisors and the Township Manager Dave Monella.  August has been pushing for the clean-up of Pentz Run since the flooding in June of 2013. August feels that the township hasn’t been working as quickly as possible.

Monella reported during the regular meeting that after speaking with the solicitor about legal concerns, he’s had township employees resume the clean-up of Pentz Run. He’ll continue to assign employees based upon their availability.

August also asked about a building to be demolished for being unsafe.  She requested copies of the agreement in which PennDOT and Sandy Township exchanged Camp Mountain Run and Oklahoma-Salem roads.  August was advised to file a request in writing.

“Mr. Monella, can you tell me what your credentials are for your position?  What did you go to college for?” asked August. Monella replied by calling himself a “dirty manager” who worked his way up through the department after starting out as a regular employee.

August then asked if former township manager, Dick Castonguay, had been mentoring Monella while doing other township work two days each week. August requested that her township taxes not be used toward paying Castonguay to mentor Monella.

August likened Monella’s training as a township employee as public funds going to his private gain just like his concerns that temporarily stopped work on Pentz Run.  She pledged to get other township residents to demand the same.

At this point, at least two supervisors openly laughed at August’s comments.

August proceeded to call the supervisors liars and requested copies of the township’s communications to the state Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the B&O Railroad regarding Pentz Run.

Sylvis said she was confusing comments about recent work on Pentz Run and others about a proposed 1999 project with a $10 million price tag.

Sandy Township police officers arrived to talk to the supervisors after the meeting.  August then asked if she was about to be placed under arrest.  The supervisors advised if they were having her arrested, they wouldn’t wait until after the meeting.

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