Programs Scheduled at Parker Dam

PENFIELD – Officials at the Parker Dam State Park have announced the program schedule for May 16-18.

Friday, May 16

Learn Your Trees Walk

6 p.m. – Environmental Education Center

There are white pine, hemlock, sugar maple or red.  Can you identify the trees common to Parker Dam?  If not, come learn some easy ID tips.  If you do know them – you may learn something new of their importance to our past.

Saturday, May 17

Kayaking Basics

3 p.m. – behind Beach House 

NOTE:  There is a $3 fee for all program participants. 

Learn what type of kayak you would be comfortable in, how to prepare for a day on the water, and most important– how to get in, out and get around on the water.  A limited number of kayaks will be available.  You can reserve a kayak by contacting the Park Office 814-765-0630.

The Lorax

8 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater 

Conservation is a word we often hear, but do we really know what it means?  Or more importantly, do we practice it?  Learn more about what conservation really is and watch a classic animated video with a new spin.  Although the video is oriented for the children, adults can take a lot from it too.  You will see how we all need to be a part of conservation, especially if we value our natural resources.

Sunday, May 18

Laurel Run and CCC Trails

3 p.m. – Lou and Helen Adams CCC Museum  

Hike on the Laurel Run Trail and then loop back into the park on the newly re-opened CCC Trail.  You will learn a little about the park’s history and get the opportunity to see some of its natural beauty.  Please wear appropriate footwear.

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