Chess Tournament Slated

BROCKWAY – The DuBois and Brockway Councils of the Knights of Columbus, in cooperation with the Tri-County Chess League, will hold its ninth annual charity chess tournament.

The tournament will be held May 3, starting at 9 a.m. at the St. ToBias Church Hall in Brockway. All ages and ability levels are welcome, and classes of play will include elementary, junior high, senior high and adult.

Awards are given to the top five in each class. There isn’t any cost or an entry fee. Lunch, prizes, programs, professional scoring and special gifts to younger players are provided. All players are encouraged to bring a chess board if possible, although it’s not required.

There isn’t any need to pre-register, but participants are encouraged to arrive early if possibles. For questions, please call 814-371-7223.

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