Residents Bring Complaints of Street Conditions to Borough Council

CLEARFIELD – Clearfield Borough Council heard several residents of West Hill Street, asking for action on paving this street. Resident Dick Bell said they’d submitted a petition last August, asking to repair the street, but no action has been taken. He said some potholes were recently filled, but the street is in sad condition.

Borough Manager Leslie Stott said conservative estimates for paving the street based on PennDOT requirements for liquid fuels funds is $33,000 to $40,000 for 285 feet of a roadway that’s 24 feet wide. Stott explained the borough would cover one-third of the cost, and the residents will be responsible for the remaining two-thirds.

Bell said that was a cost the residents weren’t able to absorb. He asked if tar-and-chip paving could be an option. Councilman James Kling said the street was tar-and-chipped in 1996, which held up well.

Stott said another option was to use millings, or ground-used paving material, which costs nothing but labor. She noted that the Street Department will present a list of streets needing paving next week. Kling asked that council consider paving West Hill Street with this year’s paving projects.

The Public Safety Committee recommended the replacement of four parking meters on Pine Street. Council had approved to remove meters on Pine Street. However, the Clearfield Historical Society submitted a letter explaining how the meter removal and “no parking” designation impacts visitors to its museum and requested they be replaced. It was agreed that more information will be presented at next week’s meeting.

The committee also recommended a change in wording a borough ordinance regarding fines for parking meter violations.  Councilman Tim Winters explained the current fines for prolonged parking violations are one dollar for the first fine, then $3 each hour for the subsequent three hours that the vehicle continues to be in violation, then increasing to $5 after 24 hours for the same parking occurrence. The proposed change is to fine one dollar for the first hour, then $3 for the second hour, and $5 for every subsequent hour that the vehicle is in violation.

Winters said the $5 fine could be charged every hour “to infinity” as long as the vehicle in violation hasn’t been moved. He explained this change would deter long-term parking violations in metered areas.

The Street Department reported working on the west side of the river with the street sweeper and filling potholes with cold patch. Stott said this is preliminary “triaging” of paved areas. She said the department will be working on the east side next week.

Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack reported investigating complaints of chemical smells from basement drains from residents on East End. He reminds residents that it is illegal to put chemical cleaners into the public sewage system.

The Planning and Community Development Committee reminded residents that volunteers are needed for Downtown Beautification Day on May 17. Volunteers will meet at the Courthouse at 10 a.m. and are asked to bring their own garden tools.

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