LT Supers Award Bids for Sewage Project

CLEARFIELD – At last night’s meeting, the Lawrence Township Supervisors awarded bids as recommended by Township Engineer firm, Stiffler, McGraw & Associates Inc., for upcoming sewer projects.

The Sewer Internal TV Inspection bid was awarded to C&R Directional Boring Inc. of Clearfield for $24,966. The Phase III Sanitary Sewer System Improvements bid was awarded to Diehl Contracting LLC of Glen Hope for $1,963,055.

The supervisors agreed to proceed with both projects and authorized Chairman William Lawhead to sign any other documents needed for the project.

Township Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Shaffner reminds residents included in the sewer project that have not done so, to please stop at the township office to sign easements and schedule the residential sewage inspections. The supervisors noted the areas affected include Country Club, Fletcherville and Village Road.

Solicitor James Naddeo reported that the loan package for the sewer project through Clearfield Bank & Trust was submitted to Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for approval.

Naddeo said the DCED had some objections regarding the ordinances passed by the supervisors regarding the loan. He noted that the ordinances have been re-drafted and submitted to the DCED for review before they’re advertised. He said he hopes to have the new ordinances ready to be passed at the March 18 meeting. The supervisors approved to re-advertise the revised ordinances.

Naddeo also reported receiving a response from Clearfield Municipal Authority regarding the Hyde Sanitary Sewer Overflow agreement.  He said the CMA finds paragraph three of the agreement unacceptable. The paragraph has a provision for adjustment of any potential fines from the state Department of Environmental Protection for overflow into the sanitary sewer from storm water based on flow meter readings.

Naddeo noted CMA’s engineer said it isn’t feasible to use the flow meter for determination of flow percentages.

Supervisor Ed Brown said he understood the flow meter would be able to determine backflow, which would indicate where the overflow is coming from.

Lawhead instructed to just eliminate paragraph three from the agreement and they’d deal with it if and when any fine is incurred.

After a brief executive session, the supervisors re-adjourned to approve the hire of Attorney Kim Kesner as special counsel for the Phase III sewage project in case of any conflict of interest with Naddeo.

Supervisors also approved sewer exonerations for George and Helen Owens and for Scott Sankey.

In other business, the supervisors approved to sign a Montgomery Run Grant for restoration project targeting designated tributaries to Montgomery Run identified as MON 30 for Acid Mine Drainage remediation. A study done by Montgomery Run Watershed Association in conjunction with Lawrence Township and Clearfield County Conservation District identified MON 30 as priority three of eleven targeted AMD contributors to Montgomery Run.

Roadmaster Ed Brown asked residents to be patient regarding pothole repairs. He said they can’t fill potholes until the ice is out of them. He said they expect to get started as soon as the weather permits.

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