County Approves Budget Without Tax Increase

The Clearfield County Board of Commissioners named John A. Sobel its chairperson. Commissioner Joan Robinson-McMillen will serve as the board’s vice chairperson. Pictured, from left to right, are Sobel, Commissioner Mark B. McCracken and Robinson-McMillen. (Photo by Jessica Shirey)

CLEARFIELD – Yesterday, the Clearfield County Commissioners voted, 3-0, to adopt its 2014 budget without any property tax increase.

The county’s property taxes will remain at 18.5 mills, reported Commissioner Joan Robinson-McMillen, chair. The millage rate has been 18.5 for the past four years when the commissioners lowered property taxes by 2.5 mills, added Commissioner Mark B. McCracken.

Robinson-McMillen indicated that the budget was balanced with general fund revenues and expenditures in the amount of $21,151,405. She thanked Commissioner John A. Sobel and McCracken for working with her to keep the county’s budget balanced without increasing taxes.

According to a previous report, the county’s major expenses included Children & Youth Services at $6,639,144. Other major expenses included the 911 Fund at $1,951,290; Domestic Relations at $1,430,784; and the CDBG at $1,306,109.

During a previous meeting, McCracken pointed out that the county’s health premiums had decreased by 1.3 percent, and its budgeted revenues/expenditures had only increased by approximately $49,000 over the current-year’s budget.

McCracken also pointed out the county has a very low debt service of $471,877, which is for the energy program that was implemented at the 911 Center and Clearfield County Jail and for the Clearfield County Administrative Offices.

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