CRC Announces New Main Street Boundaries

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Revitalization Corp. (CRC) has announced its plans to extend its current Main Street boundaries to include key areas within the Clearfield Business District.

These new boundaries will allow the CRC to continue its revitalization efforts and will provide increased economic opportunities to areas, which currently lie outside the Main Street District.

The CRC is committed to improving downtown Clearfield through design, promotion, economic restructuring and organization. To further this objective, opportunities for business and property owners within the Main Street District include the CRC Façade Improvement Grant, business assistance programs, promotional events and market analyses.

The proposed Main Street District will begin from the intersection of West Market and Williams streets and continue north on Williams Street to Pine Street. It will continue east on West Pine Street to Front Street and north on West Front Street to Bridge Street.

From the intersection of West Front and Bridge streets, it will continue east on Bridge Street and Park Place to Fourth Street. It will continue south on Fourth Street to Walnut Street; west on East Walnut Street to Second Street; south on South Second Street to Front Street; north on South Front Street to Market Street; and west on East Market Street to Williams Street.

The Clearfield Main Street District will include all properties and businesses within these boundaries and on both sides of the above mentioned streets. A map of the proposed district is available at the CRC Office, located at 125 E. Market St., Clearfield, PA 16830.

CRC President, Katie Penoyer states, “We are excited about the opportunities that will be created as a result of expanding our Main Street district.  The face of our downtown has changed dramatically in the past five years thanks in part to funding available from programs like the CRC Façade Improvement Grant.

“Going forward, we hope to extend these types of opportunities to a greater number of businesses and individuals.  It’s something from which we can all benefit.”

The CRC welcomes public feedback on this proposal and would like to extend an invitation for all interested persons to voice their opinions by writing to the CRC. Please mail all correspondence to CRC, 125 E. Market St., Clearfield, PA 16830.

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