LT Supers Award Bids for Winter Road Material

CLEARFIELD – On Tuesday night, the Lawrence Township Supervisors reviewed bids for 1B limestone and 6S Anti-skid materials for winter road maintenance.

The following bids were received:

The supervisors awarded the bids to Woodland Equipment and Supply for 1B limestone and to Bucktail Excavators for 6S Anti-skid.

In addition, the supervisors approved the hire of Brian Lockwood as a part-time police officer for the township.

Solicitor James Naddeo reported that on Aug. 29, the state legislature adopted a statute ruling that municipal zoning ordinances may not unreasonably restrict forestry or timbering activities. Naddeo suggested that, in light of this statute, the township needed to review its ordinances to ensure compliance with the statute.

Township Secretary Barb Shaffner said she thought conditional use for timbering was already in place for all the zoning areas in the township. It was noted that conditional use allowed the township to restrict timbering under certain conditions.

Naddeo suggested he and Shaffner review the ordinances for the next meeting. If the zoning ordinances do not meet the statute requirements, the supervisors will need to amend the resolutions, in which case, it would require all the usual advertising, hearings and voting to amend the resolutions and ordinances.

The supervisors scheduled a conditional use hearing for Nov. 5 at 6:50 p.m. for proposed timbering on 21st Street.

Subdivisions were approved for Cheryl Martin on Mill Road and for Robert Kurtz Jr. on Charles Rd.

Shaffner read a report from William Lawhead, Roadmaster, stating he received complaints regarding low-hanging tree branches hitting buses and other vehicles. He investigated and found that trees along Center Street, West Pauline Drive and Charles Road are the worst for overhanging tree limbs. His report noted that residents are responsible for keeping trees trimmed that interfere with the roadway.

The supervisors heard from representatives of the Joseph & Elizabeth Shaw Public Library thanking the supervisors for their previous contributions to the library, and asking for their continued support. An administrator said the library’s state funding is based on the population of their service area, plus income and support from local governments. She said increase or decrease in annual local funds also means increases or decreases in state funding. She noted that sponsorship of special events is separate from budgeted funding, so she invited the township to consider sponsorships with any extra funds they may have if they are not sure about committing more in their budgeted annual payment.

The supervisors approved to pay bills, totaling $102,595.09, and scheduled preliminary budget planning meetings for Oct. 22-23 at 6 p.m.



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