WJAC-TV.COM: Shots Outside Capitol, Police Say 1 Injury

WASHINGTON (AP) — Police have now ended the lockdown at the U.S. Capitol building. It began when gunshots were fired outside the building today, reportedly injuring a police officer.

A tourist who was outside the building says the shooting unfolded after police chased a car up Constitution Avenue toward the Capitol. He says he “heard the gunfire” and hit the ground.

Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania says he was walking from the Capitol to a Senate office building when he noticed several police officers riding quickly up Constitution Avenue on motorcycles. He says he then heard three to five “pops” — and that officers soon moved everyone into the Capitol building.

As a warning was sounded, the House went into recess. The Senate also suspended business.

The House had just approved legislation aimed at partly lifting the government shutdown by paying National Guard and Reserve members.

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