Clearfield Borough Learns about Drug Take Back Program

CLEARFIELD – Police Chief Vince McGinnis reported the Clearfield Borough Police Department will be participating in the Drug Take Back program on Oct. 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the police station.

McGinnis said this program provides a way to safely dispose of used, unused or expired medications. He said details are available on the department’s Facebook page. McGinnis noted the department’s Facebook presence has been a success, with more than 900 hits since it came online at the beginning of the year.

McGinnis reported the resignation of Officer Eric McBride, who has taken full-time employment. Council members agreed they did not want to see McBride leave the department, and that he did a great job on the borough’s police force.

He reported there were 575 incidents last month involving borough police.

Clearfield Fire Company Assistant Chief Justin Worley reported they had 27 calls for last month, giving a total for the year to date of 180 calls.

Fire Chief Todd Kling reminds community members that October is Fire Prevention Month, a good time to check smoke and CO2 detectors and fire extinguishers to be sure they are working, change alarm batteries with the time change and make or update a safety preplan. Kling said if you don’t know how to use a fire extinguisher, don’t waste time trying to in case of a fire, but just get out. He also stressed the importance of smoke/fire detectors. He said the fire department often finds during fire investigations that there wasn’t a working smoke detector in the building, and that often times the batteries were removed from smoke detectors.

Engineer Todd Banks of Stiffler, McGraw and Associates, Inc. reported on progress with the Daisy Street paving project. He said they have started pouring the cement for the ADA ramps Monday, and will continue as weather permits. Installation of manhole risers began Friday, and paving should begin next week.

McGinnis reminds residents to please keep cars off Daisy Street during the paving project to avoid being towed.

The Public Works Committee approved the recommendations to advertise for street material bids and snow removal bids. A proposed fall clean-up schedule will be presented for approval at next week’s meeting.

Code Enforcement Officer Larry Mack reported the site plan for the expansion of the PGP Inc. ethanol plant is being finalized and the project will begin moving forward. He said the CNB expansion project hopes to be under roof soon and will begin with inside construction.

Borough Operations Manager Leslie Stott reported proceeding with extension of employee health care coverage through High Mark BC/BS, which will insure coverage through the current contract period until November 2014, at a 3 percent increase. She said this locks in the policy, which would otherwise be changed in April due to Health Care laws

Stott also reported that the state Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED) representatives will be at the borough building on Sept. 17 and will meet with council at 4:30 p.m.





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