CLEARFIELD – The Potter Baseball Traveling Team was in downtown Clearfield on July 23-24, and constructed a volleyball court in Upper Witmer Park through a partnership with the Clearfield Revitalization Corp., (CRC).
In addition, Jeff Potter, founder and head coach of the traveling Potter Baseball team, has written two books regarding the current state of baseball and how to recover the game’s true meaning and purpose. He has also co-authored a children’s book with Potter Baseball Operations Manager Meghan Lucas.
The CRC has purchased a copy of Potter’s books and donated them to the Joseph & Elizabeth Shaw Public Library for the community’s enjoyment. Library Director Paula Collins stated, “We would like to extend a sincere thank you to the CRC for purchasing and donating Jeff Potter’s books for inclusion in the library. The books will be on display at the library for checkout through the end of August.”
Potter’s players also read children’s books and helped with crafts during the library’s summer reading program. Collins stated, “The library is honored by the opportunity to have the Potter Baseball organization volunteer at the library and help with our youth summer reading program. Jeff Potter, Meghan Lucas and Assistant Coach Mike Rubly are to be commended for their work with the team.”
Pictured, from left to right, are Jeff Potter, founder, Potter Baseball Tour; Meghan Lucas, operations manager, Potter Baseball Tour; Paula Collins, library director; Erin Wills, youth services coordinator; Chris Renaud, CRC assistant.