CCEDC Issues Update for Several Projects

CLEARFIELD – The Board of Directors for the Clearfield County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC), held their regular monthly meeting on July 18, 2013. Several project updates were given relating to key projects in various stages of planning and implementation around the County.

The Clearfield Borough Riverfront Redevelopment Project continues to gain momentum.  In partnership with Clearfield Borough, preliminary planning has commenced for the one mile loop of land and redevelopment along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, connecting Market Street Bridge to Nichols Street Bridge.  The CCEDC has conducted multiple planning meetings with engineering firms to establish preliminary design and engineering. Survey activity has begun to assist in the engineering plans to delineate the concept plans for purposes of future site development opportunities. Additionally, the CCEDC has been in direct contact with all landowners directly affected for consideration of land acquisition to foster the redevelopment effort.

The Board of Directors encouraged the CCEDC to host public work sessions to encourage feedback and comments during future planning and design phases of the project upon the completion of preliminary design and land acquisition.

Additionally, the CCEDC is seeking assistance to identify co-developers who would have a vested interest in becoming a partner of the project.  Those interested can contact the CCEDC directly.

Brew Masters, Dr. Robert Striker and Mr. Michael Askey, announced in late April the opening of Race Street Brew Works manufacturing facility within the Clearfield County Alliance Park.  Swales updated the Board to the status of the project and it is on schedule for the micro brewery to begin operations in the fall of this year.

In Bradford Township, the sewer line expansion along route 970 in the area of the Wal-Mart Distribution Center to the Exit 123 interchange of Interstate 80 is complete.  The CCEDC partnered with the Woodland Bigler Area Authority and area businesses to extend the public sewer line. “This is a tremendous opportunity for future development to occur along the Interstate 80 corridor of Exit 123 in Bradford Township,” stated Swales. “There is a new 1 mile stretch of land along SR 970 with immediate access to city water and now, city sewer. This is absolutely critical to place Bradford Township on the map for future development projects. Infrastructure is essential to create and retain jobs in a community.”

In Curwensville, the CCEDC continues to work on assembling a DEP Environmental Work Plan and public bid document for solicitation of the environmental cleanup at the H. L. Tannery (Howe’s Leather) property located along Cooper Road. The 26 acre Brownfield site has the

potential to open additional industrial land for development and continue with the growth of the Curwensville Industrial Park. Plans are to have a bid document available for solicitation this fall for removal of sludge material and site development work.

In other reports, Swales reported a substantial increase in economic activity in Clearfield County. “Multiple businesses continue to inquire on the CCIDA’s revolving loan program for administering facility expansions and machinery and equipment upgrades. Out of town prospect activity has increased relating to industrial site availability in the County as well,” stated Swales. “Additionally, the website and smart phone application has seen an increase in activity by real estate brokers and site selection consultants. These are all positive economic indicators Clearfield County is positioned well for future development opportunities,” Swales expressed.

The Clearfield County Economic Development Corporation is a private non-profit, membership organization serving the business and industry of Clearfield County, PA to promote job creation, job retention and to diversify and enhance the economic base of Clearfield County.

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