On Tuesday night, the bids received were: New Enterprise Stone & Lime Co, $171,426.35; Grannas Bros, $175,830.10; Glenn O Hawbaker, $174,930.00 and HRI Inc., $173,748.45.
After verification by Solicitor James Naddeo that all bids were in order, the supervisors awarded the bid to New Enterprise.
The five additional streets to be paved are Guinea Hill Road, Maple Avenue and Byer, Center and Reighard streets.
Naddeo reported receiving a release request from an insurance company regarding a residential oil spill that interfered with the township storm sewage. He explained that the resident handled the incident as a liability on their homeowner’s insurance and hired a contractor to remediate the spill. The release from the township will allow the insurance company to issue payment to the township and contractor. The supervisors approved authorization to sign the release.
Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Shaffner reported the township received its allocation of Act 13 funds in the amount of $797,315.69
Supervisor Ed Brown requested the supervisors meet in executive session with no action to follow. The supervisors adjourned to executive session with no re-adjournment.