Programs Scheduled at Parker Dam

bigstock-News-elegant-small-dotted-wor-25767608PENFIELD – The following programs have been announced for the Parker Dam State Park.

Friday, June 21

The Homecoming

8:30 p.m. – Campground Amphitheater

Otters have teetered on the edge of extirpation in Pennsylvania for 100 years.  Learn the natural history of this amazing animal as biologists work toward reestablishing a healthy population to our streams and forests.  We will take a rare glimpse into the life of the North American River Otter.

Saturday, June 22

Fly Fishing Basics 

3 p.m. – Beach House 

Have you used a spinning rod in the past and feel like stepping up your skills to fly fishing?  Maybe you’ve never fished before, but always wanted to learn how?  Come join the Naturalist as we practice basic knots and fly casting.


Reality Stream Investigation

6 p.m. – Ball Field 

Join the naturalist as we embark on a voyage into Laurel Run Creek!  Participants will get to have fun playing in the water as we discover small creatures that live there and methods used to determine stream quality.

Sunday, June 23

How Many Bears?

2 p.m. – Beach House

We know that bears live in the forest, but just how many bears can live in a particular forest? Play along and discover what things may limit the success of a bear to survive in its habitat.

Tea and Talk 

7 p.m. – Beach House

Sweet fern makes an excellent hot tea. Learn how to identify it and make the tea. Then, try some sweet fern tea for yourself.  While enjoying, talk about a unique animal that used to be common in Pennsylvania, as we dispel myth from fact.

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