Swales: Riverfront Redevelopment Project Gains Momentum

CLEARFIELD – The board of directors for the Clearfield County Economic Development Corp. (CCEDC), a private non-profit entity, held their regular monthly meeting on May 16. During the meeting, the board discussed the Clearfield Borough Riverfront Redevelopment Project, which is gaining momentum, according to a press release from Chief Executive Officer Rob Swales.

The CCEDC has secured the professional services of KTH Architects and Herbert, Rowland and Grubic Inc. In partnership with Clearfield Borough, preliminary planning has commenced for the one-mile loop of land along the West Branch of the Susquehanna River, he said.

“We have had several planning meetings with our engineering firms to establish baseline criteria for feasibility, financial and market analysis. We anticipate hosting public work sessions later this year to encourage feedback and comments during our preliminary planning and design phases of this project,” said Swales.  “This is going to be a very public project for everyone to embrace and enjoy for generations to come.  The project can only benefit from the residents of Clearfield taking an interest in the redevelopment efforts.”

Additionally, he said the CCEDC is seeking assistance to identify co-developers who would have a vested interest in becoming a partner of the project.  Those interested can contact the CCEDC directly.

According to Swales , brew masters, Dr. Robert Striker and Michael Askey announced in late April the opening of Race Street Brew Works manufacturing facility within the Clearfield County Alliance Park. He said the owners are in the process of purchasing the necessary brewing equipment and satisfying the necessary state and federal regulatory permits to establish production and sales. The microbrewery is projected to begin operations in the fall of this year.

Swales said firearm issues have been firmly in the headlines for months, and the CCEDC has positioned the area to market and promote the county as a pro-business and friendly environment to firearm manufacturing and support industries. He said the CCEDC has taken a unique approach in an attempt to market the area by researching and reaching out to companies in “politically hotbed areas” such as New York and Connecticut, where lawmakers are not taking into consideration the large number of firearm manufacturers that new legislation would effect.  Swales said marketing materials, including available facilities and land throughout Clearfield County have been packaged, delivered and discussed with many out of state firearm operations.

The Clearfield County Economic Development Corp. is a private non-profit, membership organization serving the business and industry of Clearfield County to promote job creation, job retention and to diversify and enhance the economic base of Clearfield County.


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