The Pennsylvania State Police and the Citizens for Camp Cadet group will be holding “Camp Cadet” from July 21-26.
Camp Cadet is a law enforcement-related summer camp for boys and girls that will be conducted at Clarion University. Applications can be obtained at all schools located within Jefferson, Clarion, Forest, Elk, McKean and Clearfield counties and are also available at all state police barracks within Troop C.
For additional information, please contact Trooper Bruce Morris at the Ridgway-based state police at 814-776-6136 or Trooper Jamie LeVier at the Punxsutawney-based state police at 814-938-0521.
“Camp Cadet” will be holding their annual golf tournament May 10 at the Gold Course in Treasure Lake. Proceeds will help defer any costs for children who are attending “Camp Cadet.” Anyone interested in participating in the four-man scramble should contact LeVier.