Wozniak: State Grant to Boost Local Recycling Efforts

HARRISBURG– State Sen. John Wozniak has announced that a $42,751 state grant was awarded to the Clinton County Solid Waste Authority.

The grant was awarded to boost recycling efforts and the local economy. The amount was based on the 6,246 tons of materials that were recycled in 2010 as well as the county’s population.

“Recycling is a very important part of protecting the environment,” Wozniak said. “I am pleased that the Department of Environmental Protection continues to reward communities that make the effort to keep their environment clean.  This grant will go a long way toward protecting the environment and helping fund community recycling efforts.”

The funds were awarded under the DEP’s Recycling Performance Grant Program.  This grant is in addition to the funds the DEP allocates to municipalities to establish and maintain recycling programs.

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