VCC Accepting Applications for 2013 Tourism Promotion Grants

CLEARFIELD – The 2013 Tourism Promotion Grant Round is now open for Visit Clearfield County. The deadline is March 29 for the Spring Tourism Promotion Grant Round.

Please be aware that if your project is timely, you will need to apply for the grant before the project is started. This grant is for projects that have not yet been completed and is notguaranteed on an annual basis.

Who is eligible for the grant?

Tourism-related businesses or organizations located in Clearfield County. The VCC encourages tourism businesses looking to advance their marketing efforts to apply for this marketing grant.  The grant is a 50/50 percent matching grant with a maximum of $7,500 in requested match.

The committee will have $20,000 to reward during this grant period.  

Please contact the office at 814-765-5734 or email to receive a copy of the application and criteria.

The application is also online at  under the partner/grants tab.

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