Clearfield County 4-H Teen Council Makes Community Service a Top Priority

(Photo provided by Jana Davidson)

On May 2 the Clearfield County 4-H Teen Council held their regular business meeting at Valley Dairy Restaurant in DuBois.  For 2012, the Clearfield County

4-H Teen Council has decided to adopt a community service aspect into each meeting.  For the May meeting, a collection was taken up for the Men’s & Women’s Shelters of Clearfield County.  Among other business, the council planned an upcoming Community Night fundraiser at Hoss’s Steak & Sea House of DuBois and council-sponsored events for Clearfield County Fair week at this meeting.

The Clearfield County 4-H Teen Council welcomed 4 new members who joined at the May meeting:  Michael Minicucci of Clearfield, Amanda Pennington of Westover, & Alex & Katie Russell, both of Grampian.

4-H is a non-formal youth development educational program of Penn State Cooperative Extension for all youth between the ages of 8 and 19, regardless of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, or veteran status.  For additional information on the 4-H program or to locate a 4-H club in your area, contact Jana Lynne Davidson at the Penn State Extension in Clearfield County at 814-765-7878 Ext. 3.

Photo:  Members of the Clearfield County 4-H Teen Council poses with the Men’s & Women’s Shelter donation items they collected on May 2nd.  Seated in front – John Wingert; Second row – Victoria Garner, Amanda Pennington, Jenna Kirk, & Michaela Barber; Third row – Fran McAninch & Chelsea Folmar; Fourth row – Andrea Walters, Katie Russell, Alex Russell, Reuben Hicks, Shawn Nelen, & Michael Minicucci.

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