Sandy Township Holds CDBG Meeting

Sandy Township held its second mandatory public hearing for the 2012 Community Development Block Grant. This meeting revealed the awarded amount and the allocation of the funds.

The township will be receiving $129,538. This is a 21.7% decrease from what the township received in 2011. This continues a trend where 2011 received 19.3% reduction from 2010.

The 2012 funds will be split as follows:

he Sandy Township Supervisors voted to reallocate $80 thousand unused dollars from the 2009 CDBG awardment to the Merris/Larkeytown/Slab Run/Fourth Street Waterline Interconnection project.

No one showed up at the public hearing to provide comments. The application will be made available for review at the township office beginning on April 5. The supervisors will vote on the application at the April 16 regular meeting.

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