Wozniak on Corbett’s Budget Address

HARRISBURG – State Sen. John N. Wozniak today issued the following statement regarding the governor’s budget address:

“The governor’s speech was filled with earnest-sounding talk about job creation, but it seems fruitless to use taxpayer money to lure corporations into a state where a college education is moving out of reach for the people supposed to fill the jobs.

By doing a dance with his tax pledge, the governor is taking extreme risks with the next generation of Pennsylvania’s middle class.
Let’s be clear, we have school districts going broke. We need to educate the next generation whether the governor gives them the money or local school districts are forced to raise taxes.

Passing along tax increases isn’t conservative; it’s political. And after three straight budgets of tough talk, the poor and the middle class are struggling while large corporations are celebrating.

It’s also disappointing that the governor continues to avoid talking about transportation infrastructure. It’s not clear what he’s waiting for.

We just closed a bridge in Johnstown for emergency repairs and nearly 200,000 times a day in Cambria County a vehicle crosses a structurally deficient bridge. I don’t know how long the governor thinks that can go on.

Of course, the budget that passes isn’t going to look like the budget the governor proposes. Families that are planning to send their children to college are going to have a lot of work to do between now and June convincing this administration that they are worth the investment.”

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