Clarion University Students Clock 577 Volunteer Hours

During the 2011 fall semester, Clarion University students enrolled in Rehab 250: Helping Relationships, taught by Dr. Greg Clary, professor of rehabilitative sciences, provided at least 12 volunteer/service learning hours for each student with a human services agency. The mean contribution was 14.5 hours per student. Service-learning is a form of teaching that combines hands-on service with academic learning.

A total of 577 clock hours were provided by 40 students to the following organizations:

Golden Living Center, Clarion
The ARC Drop-in Center, Clarion
Arc Manor Drug and Alcohol Treatment Center, Kittanning
Sunrise Assisted Senior Living, Upper St. Clair
SAFE, Clarion
Mt. Laurel Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Clearfield
Clarion County Drug and Alcohol Services
Clarion YMCA
Visiting Nurses Association, Venango County
YMCA, Titusville
Lighthouse Foundation, Butler
Clarion Psychiatric Rehabilitation
SAM, Inc.
UCIP Group Home, Camp Hill
ACMH Hospital, Kittanning

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