Corbett Signs House, Senate Bills into Law

HARRISBURG – Gov. Tom Corbett signed into law the following bills:

House Bill 1461 – This bill clarifies the amendments of Act 91 of 2010 to the Borough Code addressing civil service procedures related to the hiring of police officers and firefighters.

House Bill 563 – This bill amends Title 75 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes to create an exemption from liability for a landowner who allows his or her land to be used for an approved motor safety education program.

Senate Bill 458 – The bill amends the act of Oct. 20, 1966 (known as the Mental Health and Mental Retardation Act of 1966) by removing the term “mental retardation” and replacing it with the term “intellectual disability.”

Senate Bill 834 – The bill amends Title 16 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes to create the “County Officer and Employee Fiscal Security Act,” providing for updated and revised bond or insurance requirements for elected and appointed county officers and county employees who are responsible for money or property in certain classes of county.

To read the full text of these bills, visit the General Assembly’s website at

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