Black Friday Safety Tips

(morgueFile Photo)

It’s Black Friday! Day of deals, a day of stress. We put our heads together to come up with these simple tips.

Tips from the staff at GantDaily:

-Eat before shopping. It keeps you from spending extra money on food and keeps your bloodsugar from dropping.
-Relax. Black Friday might be all about getting gifts for other people, but you need to think of your own sanity on this crazy day. Remember to breath, keep your cool and take a break when things start to feel out of control
-Shop with a buddy. Talking with your buddy keeps your mind away from some of the annoyances of Black Friday. On the other hand, the buddy system allows you to split your lists and divide and conquer.
-Plan ahead. Pretty obvious.
-Stick to your plan.
-Get lots of rest the day before shopping. If you plan on getting up at the crack of dawn, plenty of sleep the night before will make the day go much better.

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