Clearfield Area United Way Kicks Off Annual Campaign

(GantDaily Graphic)

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Area United Way would like to announce, that at Thursday’s Annual Campaign Kickoff Luncheon at the St. Charles Cafe Dining Room, volunteers came together and Pacesetters Gifts totaling $119,604 have been donated, which represents 49 percent of the United Way’s $245,000 Community Goal .

Nearly 70 Business Leaders, campaign volunteers, board members and member agency representatives joined together to listen as Dr. Marianne Hazel from Lock Haven University spoke to the crowd about voluntarism and the importance of working with each other to benefit the greater good.
The First Report Lunch will be held at the St. Charles on Oct. 18 at Noon. Clearfield Area United Way helps to support 25 LOCAL Member Agencies, located throughout Southern, Eastern and Central Clearfield County. 
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