Buster’s Sports Bar Raises Funds for Child with HLHS

Bob Straw, Aretta Straw, Sammy, bar manager Crystal Lanager, event organizer John Maines, and Greg Hallstrom, owner. (Photo provided by Brenda Morgan)

Sammy Straw of Curwensville was born with a heart condition known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. HLHS is a condition in which the left side of the heart is underdeveloped.  Usually, the left ventricle, the left atrium, the mitral valve and the aorta are affected.  It is called a syndrome because it can encompass several different variations and varying degrees of development of these parts of the heart.

Sammy has already undergone two open heart surgeries and will be facing another next year. He is only 14 months of age. Buster’s Sports Bar Golf Tournament is held every year to raise funding for members of our community. Greg Hallstrom, owner of Buster’s, presented a donation of $2,060 to the Straw Family. His mother, Aretta, expressed a deep appreciation to Buster’s Sports Bar and everyone who participated in the golf tournament.

 To date, Buster’s Sports Bar has donated $26,000 to community members.

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