- Police received a call to assist a motorist on River Road.
- Police received a report of theft that occurred on Washington Avenue. A wood splitter was taken from teh Clearfield Area High School.
- Police received a report of rubbish scattering in Hyde. A known woman continues to throw garbage on a resident’s property.
- Police assisted a motorist in turning around their vehicle.
- Police were called to assist a motorist at the rec park. The vehicle had to be left overnight.
- Police responded to a call of disorderly conduct at Edgewood Apartments.
- Police were called by a concerned citizen who recovered a purse found in Curwensville. Officers contacted the owner.
- Police responded to an accident on Montgomery Run Road. A vehicle drove into a ditch. A field sobriety test was conducted, as was a blood test.
- Officers were called about a man walking on US Route 322 eastbound, near the Roadway Inn. Officers found the man and learned he was in state police jurisdiction.