CPCA, CB&T Team Up for Home Heating Savings Account Program

CLEARFIELD – Central PA Community Action and Clearfield Bank and Trust Company Partnering to offering the Home Heating Savings Account Program again in 2011

Area residents are finding it harder and harder to keep up with the rising expenses of home utilities. While we are experiencing warm weather now, many are worried about the upcoming winter heating season. There are programs available to help residents such as the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) but many of those struggling find that they are over the 150 percent of Federal Poverty Income limits for the LIHEAP program.

Last year, Central PA Community Action introduced the Home Heating Savings Account Program (HHSA). HHSA is open to households under the 200 percent Federal Poverty Income limits, i.e. a family of four can earn up to $44,700. HHSA is a dollar for dollar match of the saver’s account that will be used to pay heating expenses. The program is designed not only to assist with heating payments, but also to strengthen the family’s savings habits along with educating them on utility reduction.

In order to receive the matching funds savers must open an account at Clearfield Bank and Trust Company or approved financial institution, and maintain a regular savings budget of at least $50.00 per month for 4 months. During the program time an additional $50 may be deposited to give the saver a match of up to $250.00. Also required is attendance to 2 financial workshops on “Budgeting” and “Utility Reduction.” Each class will be offered twice during the duration of the program. Upon completion of the program funds will be sent directly to your home heating supplier. Both fuel oil and natural gas suppliers will be accepted.

The initial time-frame for the program will be July through November 2011. If there are spaces unfilled in the program or if participants are unsuccessful in the program, another cycle will be held beginning in early 2012.

CPCA is proud to bring this program to the area through a generous financial gift from Clearfield Bank and Trust Company.
Space is limited in the program and participants will be accepted on a first come first serve basis to those who financially qualify. Please contact Tia Lansberry at Central PA Community Action, 800-822-2610 or tlansberry@cpcaa.net, for more information or to apply.

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