Report: PA Veterans Received More than $1.5 Billion in VA Compensation and Pension Benefits in 2010

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania veterans received more than $1.5 billion in compensation and pension benefits in the 2010 federal fiscal year.

According to a recent statistical report from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Pennsylvania has 964,132 veterans – the nation’s fourth-largest veteran population. While the number of veterans in Pennsylvania has dropped from 1,117,004 in 2005, the amount of money veterans received since then has increased by $426.3 million.

VA expenditures in Pennsylvania for the 2010 fiscal year totaled more than $3.8 billion, which included $101 million spent on construction, $241 million on education and employment, $77 million on insurance, and $1.7 billion on medical care. Pennsylvania ranks sixth among states in total VA expenditures.

“Claims for benefits that are filed with the help of capable veteran service officers stand the best chance of being approved,” said Brig. Gen. Mike Gould, the state’s deputy adjutant general for veterans’ affairs. “I encourage all veterans, especially those recently returning from Iraq and Afghanistan, to visit an accredited veteran service officer to seek any benefits they’ve earned.”

Accredited service officers are available to help veterans and their dependents apply for a wide range of benefits on the county, state and federal levels. In addition to finding help through such organizations as the Veterans of Foreign Wars and Disabled American Veterans, each county has a director of Veterans Affairs where veterans and their families can seek assistance.

The DMVA Office for Veterans Affairs’ mission is to provide advice, assistance and resources to Pennsylvania’s veterans and their families, and to provide quality care for residents of the state’s veteran’s nursing homes.

If you are a veteran, or the spouse or dependent of a veteran interested in learning more about benefits, visit the DMVA online at and click on Veterans Affairs. Follow DMVA on Twitter at

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