Ohio Man Accused of Assault Waives Hearing

(GantDaily Graphic)

CLEARFIELD – An Ohio man accused of assaulting a woman during an argument waived his right to a preliminar hearing on Wednesday.

David Bennett of Stuebenville, OH, faces charges of simple assault (3 counts), harassment, disorderly conduct and recklessly endangering another person.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, police were called to the Days Inn on May 18 for a report of an assault. Police arrived and found that a woman was with two Days Inn employees, who were tending a cut on her hand. Police noticed a “large” cut to her left hand and blood around her nose and mouth.

She told police that she and Bennett were staying at the hotel as he was working in the area. She said they were at the bar and left. When they got back to the room she told him if he was going to sleep, she was going back to the bar to retrieve money she had left there. An argument ensued, and it turned physical.

The woman told police that Bennett punched her nose and slammed her head against a glass coffee table. She said he had a large knife and threatened her. She said she tried to take the knife and he cut her hand. She then escaped and went to the front desk.

Officers got a key card and went to their room. After knocking and getting no response, police used the key card and opened the door wide. They found Bennett in bed. They roused him, cuffed him. He was asked if he had weapons, and police said he did not respond. Officers noticed blood on the sheets, wall and his back pocket. He was searched and a large folding knfe was found, as well as a broken glass table. Bennett was then taken to Clearfield County Jail.

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