MVEDP and PRC Present Awards

Front row (left to right)- Fred Diehl- Philanthropy Award, Frances and Dick Thompson- Storefront renovation award for Friends of the Library, Sandy Southard, Ed Finnigan- Contribution to Quality of Life award to Philipsburg Elks; Back Row (left to right)- Tim Bainey- Small business of the year- TL Bainey Trucking, Laura Bordas- Friends of the Library, George and Alicia Wetmiller- Sandra Dewey Martin Historic preservation award, Ed Storck, Dan Nelson- Philipsburg Elks, Kerry Webster- Outstanding Community Service Award; Absent from Photo, Connie Rudeen who accepted the Philipsburg Spirit award on behalf of her late husband Karl. (Photo provided by Emily Gette-Doyle)

PHILIPSBURG – The Moshannon Valley Economic Development Partnership and Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation held a combined Annual Awards Dinner on May 5 at Cen-Clear Child Services in Philipsburg. This is the 23rd year the MVEDP has been presenting awards and the ninth for the PRC. Seven awards were presented honoring outstanding individual and organizational contributions to Philipsburg and the Moshannon Valley. The event was sponsored by Christoff Mitchell Petroleum, Clearfield Bank and Trust, CNB Bank, the Keystone Insurers Group, and by Robert Brand and Karen Blair.

MVEDP Executive Director Stan LaFuria introduced guest speaker Kathryn Klaber, President and Executive Director of the Marcellus Shale Coalition. On behalf of the coalition, Kathryn works closely with elected leaders, regulators, and the civic community to realize the responsible development of natural gas from the Marcellus Shale geological formation and the enhancement of Pennsylvania’s economy. After Ms. Klaber spoke, the awards presentations were made.

PRC, Design Committee Co-Chairperson Walter Swoope presented the Sandra Dewey Martin Historic Preservation Award to George and Alicia Wetmiller, owners of the former Potterhouse Hotel in downtown Philipsburg. Last summer, George and Alicia received Main Street Façade Improvement Incentive funds to assist with the renovation of their building on West Presqueisle Street. The main goal of the facade program is to encourage property owners to reverse alterations that did not preserve the architectural character of a building and threatened the economic viability of the Commercial Business District, preserving it for future generations.

MVEDP 1st vice-president John Shimko presented the MVEDP Outstanding Community Service Award to Kerry Webster, editor of The Philipsburg Journal. Reestablished in 2004, the Journal is a free, weekly publication which is direct mailed to over 7000 households each week. The Journal standout because it provides stories with a “hometown flavor” and seeks to help its advertisers grow their businesses through creative advertising. For the local communities, the Journal serves as the local news source while also supporting economic development and encouraging people to shop local, thus keeping shopping dollars in the community and helping local businesses grow.

MVEDP Program Manger Emily Gette-Doyle, on behalf of PRC Economic Restructuring Committee Chair Jim Pollock, presented the PRC Storefront Renovation award to Dick Thompson from the Friends of the Holt Memorial Library Board of Directors. Friends of the Holt Memorial Library decided in 2006 that the library needed its own, permanent home. After considering several different possibilities, an opportunity arose in 2009 which allowed them to acquire the former M&T Bank Building at 17 North Front Street. The friends conducted an extensive campaign to raise funds to renovate the facility. The interior improvements provide the library with a lot more space and greater functionality than their previous locations. The exterior improvements, paid for in part by a Main Street Façade Improvement Incentive grant, turned a cold, metal 1950’s exterior into a welcoming façade that has colors, materials, size, patterns, and rhythms that echo those of other buildings on the block. Not only does the renovation meet the goals of the Main Street Program but the use of the building has brought people to downtown and filled a very visible vacancy.

Dr. Karen Blair, PRC Board member and Organization Committee chair presented the Main Street award for Philanthropy to Fred Diehl of Philipsburg. Fred and Brenda Diehl accepted on behalf of the company. In addition to supporting local organizations like minor baseball, this year Fred Diehl unveiled new ways to give back to their community. Every couple of months, Fred Diehl designates a local charity and donates $50 from each new car sold in the month to that charity. Since the program began they have given $550 to the Holt Library, 32 turkey/hams and a Traverse full of canned goods to the food bank, and $1000 to The Rowland Theatre.

MVEDP Board Member Gen Wardo presented the MVEDP Contribution to Quality of Life Award to Ed Storck, Exalted Ruler of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks #1173 in Philipsburg. After a merger with the Philipsburg Country Club, the Elks recently completed a major building project, constructing a modern lodge and country club facility. In the midst of an economic downturn and at a time when the Philipsburg area was feeling the blows of a hospital closure, downtown fire, and a desperate financial situation in the school district, the concept of losing the Country Club was unfathomable. The Elks leaders knew they needed to find a way to both grow their membership as well as to continue the legacy of the country club. The impact of this project on the Moshannon Valley will be felt for years to come, and it is a major contributor to the quality of life in the Valley.

PRC Board member and Promotion Committee chair Paul Springer presented the Philipsburg Spirit Award posthumously to Karl Rudeen. Karl was always generous in lending his time and talents to community organizations. He was intelligent, unassuming and devoted to helping his home town. When he took on an assignment, you could be sure he would see it through to a successful end. He lead the charge to re-open the Rowland Theatre after it closed in 1978 and held the position of President of the Rowland Community Development Corporation. He served on the YMCA board of director for numerous terms, including two terms as President. He also served on the Mid-State airport authority, and the Philipsburg Parking authority. In January of this year the Friends of the Library hosted a ribbon cutting symbolizing the grand opening of the new home of the Holt Memorial Library in downtown Philipsburg. This is the first permanent home the library has ever had. No one was more proud than Karl, a dedicated, soft spoken volunteer who was just beginning to serve his first term as President of the library board. He had been a tireless supporter of the Library and got involved with the board to help with the building project. Karl worked hard to help bring this dream to reality. He loved books and the library and was so proud to see the community project come to fruition. As many of you know, Karl passed away suddenly the morning after the library ribbon cutting, but Karl will live on through the projects that meant so much to him and to his community. 

MVEDP executive director Stan LaFuria presented the MVEDP Small Business of the Year Award to Tim Bainey of TL Bainey, Inc. TL Bainey was started in 1988 and today is a trucking and transport company headquartered in the Philipsburg/Moshannon Valley area. They specialize in providing transportation services to companies involved in the Marcellus Shale natural gas industry. The company’s fleet has provided service to top gas industry corporations like Chesapeake, Haliburton, Cabot, Weatherford, and Range Resources. They also provide Tri-axle services to companies across Pennsylvania. The company began with one truck and one employee and today the family operates three businesses and employs 50 people.

“We are extremely delighted to be able to recognize certain individuals who have made a positive difference in the Philipsburg/Moshannon Valley region,” said Paul Springer, President of the MVEDP.  “A review of the list of award winners clearly indicates the importance of these people and organizations to this area,” he said. The award winners were presented plaques made by Front Street Jewelers of Downtown Philipsburg. Catering was provided by Country Catering of West Decatur.

The Partnership is a private, non-profit corporation whose mission it is to further the economic development of the Moshannon Valley area by getting involved in real estate projects, housing improvements or other community development efforts.  The Partnership works to stimulate job creation and job retention by working with existing businesses, entrepreneurs, and companies that might be interested in locating to the Moshannon Valley. The Philipsburg Revitalization Corporation, Inc. is a non-profit community development organization which operates the Philipsburg Main Street Program and supports the development and enhancement of Philipsburg’s business district and the preservation of historic areas. The two agencies formed an official partnership in 2007.

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