Paving Bids Awarded in DuBois

DUBOIS – Bids for paving City of DuBois streets and marking said streets and parking lots were awarded Monday night at the DuBois City Council Meeting.  All council members were present for the meeting. Lee Simpson Associates Inc. recommended to the council the use of the lowest bidder for each job.

For marking of the streets and parking lots only two bids were submitted.  The lowest bidder was Dark Castle Construction LLC out of Berlin, PA for $20,979.

Three bids were submitted for the 2011 paving contract with the city.  New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co was awarded the bid at a cost of $117,576.80.  New Enterprise Stone is from New Enterprise, PA.

Related to improvements to the city infrastructure, City Manager John “Herm” Suplizio stated he hoped in a future council meeting to announce how many miles of sewage and water lines have been replaced in in the past few years.

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