Curulla Officially Steps Down as President of Curwensville Borough Council

(GantDaily Graphic)

CURWENSVILLE – On Monday night, one month after resigning as president of Curwensville Borough Council, Mark Curulla again stepped down as from the position.

Last month, amid controversy, Curulla announced his resignation as president of Curwensville Borough Council, but that he would continue to serve as a council member. On Monday, he presented a letter to members of council in which he withdrew his statement to resign.

“I feel I am the only one available to handle the daily business of the borough and it was not in writing and there was no motion on the floor to accept my resignation. Through the years, past practice a motion was made to accept a resignation.”

Solicitor Larry Seamen stated that while a resignation of elected position must be accepted through a motion, there was no caselaw on someone resigning their post (president, vice-president) on council. Curulla also stated that a majority vote of council would be needed to remove him as president or elect a new president. Seamen clarified, stating it would take a majority of council members present.

Council member Sam Ettaro also commented on a statement made by Curulla. Ettaro said that council president could not act in the capacity of a borough manager. 

Ettaro made the motion that Curulla not continue as president, which was seconded by Mike Komonczi.

“The reason I did a lot of the stuff I did, there was no one here,” said Curulla.

“If this keeps going I don’t want to sit at this table,” said Ettaro. “This council needs reformed.”

“Maybe you need reformed,” countered Curulla.

When the time for a vote came, lines were drawn; Ettaro, Mike Komonczi and Fred Sopic voted in favor of the motion, while Julie Girardi, Curulla and Don O’Dell voted against it. This led to a brief argument over whether Mayor Holly Komonczi could break the tie. It was moot, since she was not at the meeting.

There was also some discussion that litigation might be the route to take over the uncertainty of his original resignation.

“I will officially resign, rather than go through litigation,” stated Curulla. This resignation was voted on and passed, with Girardi voting against.

A new president was not elected on Monday. Curwensville Borough Council is currently working on setting the duties of their officials, and decided to hold off on the election until they hammered out those duties. Vice-President Fred Sopic is currently leading the council meetings.

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