Kim Kesner Announces Candidacy for District Attorney

Kim Kesner (Provided Photo)

Attorney Kim Kesner of Clearfield announced today his candidacy for the Republican nomination for District Attorney of Clearfield County.

“I pledge to the taxpayers of this County that I will make the DA’s office a potent force for law enforcement with a commitment to impartial prosecution,” said Kesner.

Kesner served as a full time Assistant District Attorney under Republican Thomas F. Morgan where he earned a reputation as a skilled prosecutor with a high conviction rate.  While an assistant DA, he also prosecuted cases in Blair County on special appointment by the Blair County DA.  After serving Blair County he was given first consideration for the first assistant position there but elected to remain in Clearfield County.  After a short hiatus from the Clearfield DA’s office, he returned and was promoted to Deputy DA by Morgan.  

“I have the experience and proven ability to provide Clearfield residents with the level of professionalism, competence and fairness that they deserve,” Kesner continued.

During the interim Kesner was asked by DA Morgan to accept a special appointment on a homicide case where the Federal District Court had ordered a convicted killer to be released.  Kesner obtained a reversal from the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kesner continued: “In my years as a full time assistant DA and then deputy DA, I acquired the skills to be an effective prosecutor.  During my years as county solicitor, I have seen the office from a management perspective.  The DA’s
budget in 2011 will be nearly three quarters of a million dollars.  The taxpayers of Clearfield County deserve results and value for their tax dollars.
“Keeping our families safe is not a Republican or Democrat matter. Effective prosecution and the efficient operation of the District Attorney’s Office – is too important to be or become a political matter.
“Although I have spent my life as a Democrat, I seek this office as Republican- and do so with support of the Republican County leadership. They believe as I do that liberty without justice is meaningless.  My many years of service to Clearfield County have always been nonpartisan.  The residents of Clearfield County – Republican, Democrat, and Independent – deserve a choice and a debate on what should be expected of the head law enforcement officer of this County.  When elected, I will represent all the citizens of Clearfield County as their district attorney,” Kesner stated.

Kesner is recognized by his peers, having received the highest rating for legal ability and ethics each year for the past 10 years in a national legal directory. 

Kesner concluded, “As district attorney I will be active and visible in the community to promote crime prevention.  We have learned that we can’t build jails fast enough if our sole emphasis is punishment.  I will work with schools,
communities, churches and the youth mentoring programs by our sportsmen’s groups, as well as law enforcement, in an attempt to reach and encourage our youth – no matter their environment or circumstances – to hope and achieve and avoid the choices that lead to criminal activity.”

Kesner has served area residents as solicitor of Clearfield County since 1988 providing legal advice to both Republican and Democratic administrations.  Kesner also serves the citizens of Beccaria Township, Burnside Township, Cooper
Township, Glen Hope Borough, Greenwood Township, Gulich Township, Houtzdale Borough, Huston Township, New Washington Borough, Pike Township, Pine Township, and Union Township as their solicitor.

Kesner has been licensed to practice in Pennsylvania since August 1978.  He is presently admitted to practice in all Pennsylvania Courts, the Federal District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, the US Court of Appeals, Third Circuit and the US Supreme Court.

Kesner graduated magna cum laude from Clarion University with a bachelor of arts in political science and received his Juris Doctor degree from Duquesne University School of Law.  While at Duquesne, he was a member of the Duquesne Law Review and served an Honors Clerkship with the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kesner and his wife, Diane (Batcho) of 25 years have two children, Ashley, a student at Clarion University, and Jay, a student at the University of Pittsburgh.

Tom Grice will serve as chairman of Kesner’s campaign committee “Kesner for DA” and Susan Williams will serve as treasurer.

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