Corbett took his oath on the Bible of the commonwealth’s founder, William Penn. During his inaugural speech, Corbett often referenced Penn’s name and principles.
“It is fitting that I assume the office of governor pledging my oath on William Penn’s bible. As governor, I will lead each day grounded in the truth of Penn’s first charted liberties and mindful of the role we have in democracy’s endurance,” said Corbett.
“Today we celebrate a long, proud and sustaining tradition of democracy,” added Corbett. “As we open this new chapter in Pennsylvania’s history, let us also step forward dedicated to a civil discourse.”
“As we turn this new page in history, Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley and I seek to chart a new course for Pennsylvania. Together, we are dedicated to leadership that is responsive to fiscal realities; leadership that takes on financial burdens, rather than passing those burdens on to the next generation; and leadership that can see beyond today’s turbulence and into tomorrow’s tranquility.”
He said that Pennsylvania is known for its hard workers, but that those workers have to look too hard for work.
He also touched on the size of government. He noted that while many deadlocked over the size of of the state’s government find the task of downsizing too daunting, he does not.
“We need good government. The people now demand it, and they deserve it. We will lead the way toward a government that understands that, just as families have found a way to live within their means, it too must budget in a way that is responsible and honest, a government that has the courage to find fiscal strength in restraint, a government that shows compassion for those most in need and recognizes its citizens’ great investment, a government that must yield them a hopeful, realistic return.
“To those who create jobs and to those who raise our future workers, you deserve a government that will not ask more of its citizens until it asks more of itself. I will not shrink from such a challenge, nor will I ignore the opportunities to set Pennsylvania on its new course, a new course where financial security leads us to prosperity and greatness.
Corbett also warned that changes will not come overnight.
“You will never hear me say impossible,” said Corbett. “I see a promising future for Pennsylvania.”
“I believe in Pennsylvania and in Pennsylvanians.”