MLKC to Sponsor ARC Pet First Aid Class

CLEARFIELD – The Mountain Laurel Kennel Club will sponsor an American Red Cross Pet First Aid class on July 31 from 10 a.m. to noon at Waggin’ Trains, 1226 South Second Street, Clearfield.
The class is planned in response to a recent experience by President Denise Long, who used her pet first aid skills to help save a boxer that was struck by a car on U.S. Route 322 in Clearfield.
“The club thought it twas a great time to promote this very beneficial course. Anyone who owns a pet or a pet-related business should be certified,” said Long, who will teach the class?along with Trudy Ensminger.
Cost is $25 and participants should register by calling the Clearfield-Jefferson ARC office in Clearfield at 765-5516.
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