Bochert Named PSU-DuBois Cross Country Coach

Jeremy Bochert. (Photo provided by Steve Harmic)

DUBOIS – Jeremy Bochert, of Reynoldsville, takes over as the new Penn State DuBois cross country coach this season.  He previously coached track and field at DuBois Central Catholic High School, and continues to run competitively, himself, in marathons and other organized races. 

A 1998 graduate of Punxsutawney Area High School, Bochert ran on two district champion teams as a varsity athlete.  He also ran for Mansfield University, where he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2003. 

“In this sport, you’re not just running against others, you’re also running against the clock,” Bochert said, explaining his passion for cross country.  “You always know your limits and how good you really are.  That’s humbling, but it can also be rewarding.” 

He also said the sport it appealing because anyone can excel at it if they work hard.  “Anyone with any body type can run cross country.  If you run a lot, and do it with passion, you’re going to get better,” he said. 

“I am very pleased to have Jeremy Bochert join our coaching staff,” said Penn State DuBois Athletic Coordinator Ken Nellis.  “Jeremy brings a wealth of knowledge to the cross country program; he is young and active in the sport.  Jeremy is also tied into the community and running clubs, so he knows many of the high school coaches in the area and will have the opportunity to grow and lead the team in the years to come.  I feel we are fortunate to have someone of Jeremy’s caliber and character coaching our men’s and women’s teams.”

The first cross country meet of the season is scheduled for September 11, at Penn State Lehigh Valley. 

For the most up to date information on Penn State DuBois Athletics, visit

Steve Harmic, Penn State University

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