Message From the Manager: Outdoor Seating, Clean and Green Summer Tips

Many of you may recall in 2008, the CRC administered a community survey outlining the assets and improvement of our downtown, and among those were the “green” needs for smoke-free options, outdoor seating and promotion of the downtown walking district. 

Outdoor seating is important because it draws customers into the downtown, provides a welcoming atmosphere, and  entices patrons to relax and enjoy your restaurant or shop while enjoying the summer weather. Downtown Clearfield is lined with beautiful trees and 3rd Street has newly-installed gorgeous street lights. By adding outdoor seating to your business on a tree-scaped street, studies have shown that customers are more likely to spend up to 12 percent more at your business, versus a non-street-scaped street.

The CRC has taken measures to create outdoor seating possible for the community, and has also worked to keep the image and style in downtown consistent. The CRC has Bistro Tables sets and Cafe Table sets available for your business in effort to promote outdoor seating in Downtown Clearfield. Please let me know if you are interested in obtaining outdoor seating for your business.

Keeping our community clean and green this summer season is very important as it a large impact on the image of our downtown. Here are some quick and easy tips:

                1. Keep your windows clean. Not only does more light shine through your store (which honestly, can help increase the mood of your employees), but gives your store an appearance of a higher quality product. It shows you pay attention to the little details and it’s these little details that customers are willing to spend more money for a positive experience.

                2. Pull your weeds. There’s nothing more unattractive than having a beautiful, historical storefront with weeds coming up through the sidewalk and brick.  It shows poor maintenance on your building or storefront, and also can ruin the entire beautification of your town block. Tidy up those sidewalks, and be a good neighbor and pass on the word. Let’s see if we can start the “Golden Broom Award” for May?

                3. Plant seasonal flowers. Bring “Life” into Clearfield by planting seasonal flowers outside of your store or adding window boxes. Remember to maintain them throughout the summer with enough water. You can even take care of the trees outside of your business with mulch that matches the overall appearance of downtown.

                4. Throw out your trash. Did you know that 91 percent of all litter is under 4 inches in size? And 58.8 percent of all litter is cigarette butts? Also, did you know that 85% of the reasons we litter is individual attitude? “Pinch those butts” and throw them in the trash. Walk to the closest garbage can and throw out your drink and bag.  The Main Street District has over 30 trash cans. Keep our town beautiful. Take care of our town and our town will take care of you.

Kellie Truman, Main Street Manager, Clearfield Revitalization Corporation

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