Shaw Public Library to Host Story Session for One Book, Every Young Child Initiative

(GantDaily Graphic)

CLEARFIELD – The Shaw Public Library is hosting a story session in recognition of the One Book, Every Young Child, Pennsylvania’s collaborative project using the vehicle of a “One Book, One State” program to highlight the importance of early literacy development in preschoolers, ages 3-6 years.

Because it is important for children to be prepared for school, the One Book, Every Young Child event is designed to encourage adults to read aloud and share books, stories, and related activities with their preschoolers. These activities have been shown to be crucial to early learning.

The One Book, Every Young Child program goes far beyond just giving parents and caregivers a book to read to preschoolers. The project design is based on studies showing that simply providing a book is not enough. Adults must find ways to engage the children in activities such as talking about a book’s cover and illustrations, discussing the action in the book and favorite parts, pretend play related to the book, and more.

Information and program ideas have been developed by librarians and museum educators from across Pennsylvania to promote the value and benefits of reading early and often to preschoolers and to encourage family bonding through books and reading.

This year’s book selection is What a treasure, written by children’s author and illustrators Jane and Will Hillenbrand.

The Shaw Public Library will feature the story What a treasure. Leslie Stott, Clearfield Borough operations manager and Council Member, Susan Reed, will be guest readers for the event and present the story to preschoolers and their families modeling for parents the techniques for engaging their child in books.   The event is designed to reinforce the importance of reading to promote literacy and early learning. 

This event is free and open to preschool families, but reservations are required. One Book, Every Young Child Story Event will be offered to all area prechoolers 6 mos to Pre-K on April 15 at 10:30 a.m. in conjunction with the National Library Week program lineup.

The program will last approximately 45 minutes to an hour and all preschoolers must be accompanied by an adult.  One softbound copy of Jane and Will Hillenbrand’s, What a treasure, will be given to each preschool family in attendance. Please call the Library at 765-3271 or stop by to register. 

To learn more about the One Book, Every Young Child initiative, visit

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