Slogosky Waives Hearings in Robbery, Burglary Cases

(GantDaily Graphic)

CLEARFIELD – A Philipsburg man accused of robbing a number of area convenience stores moved his cases to the next level of court on Wednesday.

Andrew Slogosky faces charges of robbery, two counts of criminal conspiracy to commit robbery, burglary, criminal conspiracy to commit burglary, three counts of theft by unlawful taking, simple assault, harassment, and two counts of receiving stolen property.

According to a prior Gant article, on Jan. 3, both Darrell Taylor and Slogosky entered the Kwik Fill gas station and proceeded to the back room. Police stated in the back room, a 21-year-old Houtzdale man was counting change for his cash drawer, according to the affidavit of probable cause.

Police stated both Taylor and Slogosky were dressed in black clothing with a bandana over their head and face. They stated both demanded money from the cash drawer and threatened the victim.

Police stated Slogosky struck the victim in the back of his head with a piece of wood. They stated he continued to demand money from the victim.

They stated Taylor struck the victim in the face with his fist. They said he also continued to demand money.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, the Houtzdale man then opened the cash drawer. Police stated Slogosky removed $239 from the same. They stated he also removed a three pack of Marlboro Menthol cigarettes before fleeing the scene.

Slogosky and Charles Nelson Martell, 36 of Philipsburg, both had their hearings continued for their involvement in a robbery at the Kwik Fill gas station in Kylertown as well as the burglary at the Country Convenience Store in Morrisdale on Jan. 10.

In the case, Slogosky has been charged with robbery, criminal conspiracy/robbery, burglary, theft by unlawful taking, receiving stolen property and criminal mischief. Martell faces charges of criminal conspiracy/robbery and receiving stolen property.

On Jan. 11, police made contact with Martell at his residence. Once inside, they stated observing a police baton in plain view. They stated it matched the de scri ption of the baton used in the previously mentioned incidents, according to the affidavit of probable cause.

Police said that Martell admitted to borrowing a vehicle and driving it to both Kylertown and Morrisdale. They stated he also related to police that “a kid by the name of Drew” was with him.

Police said Martell stated “Drew” went into both the Kwik Fill gas station and the Country Convenience Store. Martell said he drove the vehicle, however.

On the same day, Martell was transported to the Clearfield State Police for a subsequent interview. Martell related “Drew” was at his residence and wanted to go for cigarettes. He said he drove Slogosky to the Kylertown Kwik Fill, according to the affidavit of probable cause.

“We talked on the way, and I knew why we were going there. I agreed to drive, and he would go in,” Martell related to police during the interview. He said he parked and waited for Slogosky to return to the vehicle.

Martell related he then drove Slogosky to Morrisdale and pulled about 15 to 20 feet down from the Country Convenience Store. He related that Slogosky “got out and smashed the window” with the baton. He said the security alarm sounded as a result.

Martell stated Slogosky came out a couple minutes later. He said Slogosky had stolen cigarettes and given him a couple packs. He said they returned to his residence.

According to the affidavit of probable cause, police then interviewed Slogosky about both incidents. They said he admitted he went into Kwik Fill and demanded money from the attendant.

Police said Slogosky also admitted to taking the baton in with him. He related he returned to the vehicle, when the attendant refused to give him any money.

He related they then went to the Country Convenience Store. He said he used the baton to break the window on the door. He said once inside the store, he took four or five packs of cigarettes.

On Nov. 26, 2009, a man reported Slogosky came to his residence. He said the defendant asked to use the phone, as his car had broken down. He said he permitted Slogosky to use both the phone and bathroom.

According to the affidavit or probable cause, police stated the victim noticed his medication was missing a short time later. He subsequently reported the incident to police.

During their investigation, police had contact with Slogosky. He admitted he went to the victim’s residence to use the phone and bathroom.

Slogosky said at that time, he took the medication from the back of the man’s wheelchair. He said he was aware the victim kept the medication there. He related he took 100 Percocet tablets from the residence.

Slogosky’s co-defendants waived their hearings at earlier dates.

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