Gordon Receives Distinguished Service Award at Chamber Gala

DUBOIS – On Saturday night the Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development honored citizens and business people who better the community.

Prior to the awards presentation, Carl Lias gave an address on the state of the Chamber. He noted that while the state and national economic situation has affected all businesses, the Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce and Economic Development remains strong.

The honors were given at the annual Community Gala sponsored by the Chamber. The Chamber announced in early mid-January that Giancarlo’s Pizza and Italian Restaurants was this year’s recipient of the Small Business of the Year award. The criteria for nominees for the Small Business of the Year, is running a profitable business for at least three consecutive years, while demonstrating involvement in professional, business and/or trade associations. The nominee should also demonstrate its aid to the community through the use of its personnel or financial resources, including examples of involvement, leadership and achievements in community affairs. 

Giancarlo’s has two operations, one in Downtown DuBois and one in the DuBois Mall.

The Community Cup recognizes a business, community group, or not-for-profit organization which has shown positive and effective performance in community service. The award highlights the entrepreneurial spirit of organizations who have taken responsibility for the betterment of our area. Since this type of work often goes unnoticed, the Chamber founded this prestigious award in 1991. The recipient of the Community Cup for 2009 is DuBois Regional Medical Center.

DRMC has received numerous state and national awards for their services.

“The Community Cup is not an award for being successful for providing high quality health care,” said Bob Hallstrom of KTH Architects, who won the award last year. “But for providing high quality service to the community and bettering our community.

Scott Foradora, president of the hospital’s Board of Directors accepted the award on behalf of the hospital. He thanked the staff, the hospital’s president and the chamber.

The Distinguished Service Award is annually awarded by the DuBois Area Jaycees at the Chamber Gala. This year Dr. Donald Gordon received the award. Erin Dixon of the Jaycees presented the award to Gordon. She noted that he DuBois Hospital before it became DRMC and that he was an emergency room physician and later served in express care. She noted his passion as DuBois Beavers’ team doctor as well how he cared for patients.

“It’s one of my passions,” said Gordon.

“I just … don’t even know what to say,” Gordon said upon receiving the award. He thanks his wife, the Jaycees and everyone who was at the event.

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