DuBois City Council Opens Bids for Fire Hall Driveway Project

DUBOIS – DuBois City Council began their work session Thursday afternoon by opening bids for the “Third Ward Fire Hall Rehabilitate Driveway” project. This project is to remove and reconstruct the aprons, sidewalks and curbing at the Third Ward Fire Hall.

The lowest bid came from Hallstom Construction, Inc. from DuBois, at $60,960. W.W. Gildersleeve & Sons, also from DuBois, came in with the second lowest bid at $71, 275. The highest bid came from Thomas Didiano & Sons, Inc. from Pittsburgh with a bid of $103, 850. Other bids were as follows:
-Baker Concrete from Knox Dale – $73, 398.38
-W. G. Land Company, LLC from Champion – $80, 126.00
-Kishmo, Inc from Apollo – $82, 126.00
-J & J Enterprise from Snow Shoe – $74, 940.00

Council will vote a firm at Monday night’s city council meeting.

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