‘Healthy Marriage’ Can Help Reduce Holiday Stress

As the holidays get closer, your marriage may be dealing with more stress than it’s used to. Instead of enjoying one another and your families, you may find yourselves having more disagreements and feeling overwhelmed. Before the holiday stress strikes, take time to show appreciation for each other by attending a FREE Weekend Workshop sponsored by the Healthy Marriage Program of Children’s Aid Society.

The workshop will be held at the Days Inn in Clearfield with an opening event Friday, November 20th from 5-9 and an all-day workshop on Saturday, November 21st.Couples will receive program materials, meals, a $50 Sheetz Gas Card and a chance to win a Weekend Getaway for two.

By attending this fun, interactive workshop, couples can gain better communication, settle conflict more effectively, reduce stress and bring more excitement into their relationship. Once couples complete the classes they are eligible for booster activities that will help support and enhance their marriage.The booster activities include: 3 date nights with free child care, a monthly couples group, a money management class, and a couple’s massage class.

The Healthy Marriage Program of Children’s Aid Society is funded by a grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families.The mission of the program is to provide relationship education and enrichment activities to married couples. Through these efforts we will build Healthy Marriages, Strong Families and Thriving Communities.

For more information about the Healthy Marriage program and eligibility guidelines call Children’s Aid Society at 765-2686 or 371-3668 extension 225.Information about the program can also be found at www.childaid.org.

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