Clearfield County Rails to Trails Association Meets

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield County Rails to Trails Association held their regularly scheduled meeting Wednesday night. In attendance were several board members and organizational members. Issues discussed including trail maintenance and future trail projects and improvements. Recently completed projects include a general cleanup of the trails, weed control spraying and drainage issues were addressed.

While the majority of projects have been completed on the northern end of the trail between Clearfield and Curwensville, several new business items were discussed on the southern end of the trail. In the near future it is expected that a new trail entrance will be completed and bathroom services will be provided by Brothers Pizza in Curwensville. Brothers Pizza also hopes to install a patio so trail users can stop in for a meal and refreshments.

A tentative date was scheduled for the next meeting in which nominations for a new board member will be taken. If you have any questions, comments or issues regarding the trail including possible maintenance issues or if you will to attend the meeting, please email the Clearfield County Rails to Trails Association at

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