HARRISBURG – Those participating in the state’s archery deer seasons will be the first to be able to file their harvest reports through the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s new online system.
To report a deer harvest online, go to the Game Commission’s Web site, click on the blue box in the upper right-hand corner of the Web site, select “Harvest Reporting,” then click on the “Start Here” button at the bottom of the page, choose the method of validating license information, and click on the checkbox for the harvest tag being reported. A series of options will appear for a hunter to report a harvest. After filling in the harvest information, click on the “Continue” button to review the report and then hit the “Submit” button to complete the report. Failing to hit the “Submit” button will result in a harvest report not being completed.
“Hunters may report one or more harvests in a single session,” Carl G. Roe said. “Responses to all harvest questions are required.”
Roe noted that hunters still have the option to file a harvest report postcard, which are included as tear-out sheets in the annual digest they received when they purchased their licenses.
“We certainly are encouraging hunters to use the online reporting system, which will ensure that their harvest is recorded and save the Game Commission money on postage,” Roe said. “Either way, the more important point is that all hunters who harvest a deer report it to the agency.”