Tickets on Sale for Red Cross House Tour

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield-Jefferson Chapter American Red Cross House Tour will be held Saturday, June 27. Tickets selling for $25.00 include lunch from noon to 1 p.m. at the Trinity United Methodist Church, where the tour will begin, and entry for several gifts given at the luncheon. The chapter appreciates the warm welcome of the following families opening their homes for the tour; Bob and Sue Ryan, Judge John and Mary Ann Reilly, Joline Bailey, Leland and Sandee Condon, Sue Rowles, all of Clearfield and Dan and Charlene Ogden of Curwensville. Included on the tour will be The Clearfield Historical Society. Information on each home and tour directions will be given at the luncheon. Participants will have to present a special document to enter each home. It will be given at the luncheon.

Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used for the chapter’s local disaster relief fund.

The American Red Cross provides immediate, emergency financial assistance for families who have lost their clothing and food due to a house fire or other disaster. Temporary lodging is provided, if needed, as well as help with minor repairs and life-sustaining medication. Comfort kits containing personal hygiene supplies, cleaning supplies, blankets and stuffed animals for children are given. All disaster assistance is given according to individual verified damage assessments.

Mass Care feeding in shelters and canteens for the firemen and other disaster workers on a disaster scene are also provided by the local disaster relief fund. All assistance is made available to those needing assistance by donations from individuals, businesses and organizations and proceeds from special event fundraisers through the American Red Cross.

A limited number of tickets are now on sale at the Clearfield-Jefferson Chapter American Red Cross office, 1100 S. Second Street or Sandee’s Gifts on Third Street.

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